Time Calculator

Time Calculator

Time Calculator

  1. Access the Calculator: Open the HTML file containing the provided code in a web browser. You can do this by double-clicking the HTML file or by copying the code into an HTML file and opening it in a browser.
  2. Input Time Values: You’ll see two input fields labeled “Time 1” and “Time 2.” Enter your desired time values in the format HH:MM (hours and minutes) into these fields. If you leave any field empty, it will be considered as 0 by default.
  3. Select Operation: Choose the operation you want to perform from the dropdown menu labeled “Operation.” You have the option to either “Add” or “Subtract” the time values.
  4. Calculate: After entering the time values and selecting the operation, click the “Calculate” button at the bottom of the form.
  5. View Result: The calculated result will appear below the form. It will display the addition or subtraction of the two time values based on your chosen operation. The result will be shown in the HH:MM format.
  6. Repeat or Reset: You can repeat the process by entering new time values and selecting a different operation. To reset the calculator, simply refresh the webpage.


  • Ensure the time values are entered in the correct HH:MM format.
  • Both time fields can be left blank, in which case they will be considered as 0 for the calculation.
  • If you encounter any issues or receive an error message, check that the time values are entered correctly and are in the expected format (HH:MM).

Feel free to experiment with different time values and operations to calculate the desired results using this simple time calculator.

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